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#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ Created by PyCharm. File: LinuxBashShellScriptForOps:ServiceControl.py User: Guodong Create Date: 2016/10/14 Create Time: 17:57 Example of program with many options using docopt, control system service. Usage: ServiceControl.py SERVICE_NAME SERVICE_ACTION ServiceControl.py SERVICE_ACTION SERVICE_NAME ServiceControl.py --version | -v ServiceControl.py --help | -h Arguments: SERVICE_NAME service name SERVICE_ACTION service action in ["start", "stop", "restart", "status"] Options: -h --help show this help message and exit -v --version show version and exit """ import sys import codecs import locale import psutil import win32serviceutil import time from collections import OrderedDict from docopt import docopt UNKNOWN = 0 STOPPED = 1 START_PENDING = 2 STOP_PENDING = 3 RUNNING = 4 status_code = { 0: "UNKNOWN", 1: "STOPPED", 2: "START_PENDING", 3: "STOP_PENDING", 4: "RUNNING" } def get_system_encoding(): """ The encoding of the default system locale but falls back to the given fallback encoding if the encoding is unsupported by python or could not be determined. See tickets #10335 and #5846 """ try: encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'ascii' codecs.lookup(encoding) except Exception: encoding = 'ascii' return encoding DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING = get_system_encoding() # try: # result = result.decode(DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING) # except UnicodeDecodeError: # # UnicodeDecodeError - preventive treatment for non-latin Windows. # return '' def is_iterable(source): if source is not None: try: iter(source) except TypeError: return False return True else: raise RuntimeError("argument cannot be None") def status_service(service_name): try: result = win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(service_name)[1] if result == START_PENDING: print "service %s is %s, please wait" % (service_name, status_code[result]) time.sleep(2) return RUNNING elif result == STOP_PENDING: print "service %s is %s, please wait" % (service_name, status_code[result]) time.sleep(2) return STOPPED else: return result if result is not None else 0 except Exception as e: if e.message: raise RuntimeError(e.message) elif e.args: # print e.args args = list() for arg in e.args: if is_iterable(arg): args.append(unicode(eval(repr(arg)), 'gbk')) else: args.append(arg) print "Error:", args[-1], tuple(args) raise RuntimeError else: raise RuntimeError("Uncaught exception, maybe it is a 'Access Denied'") # will not reach here def start_service(service_name): status = status_service(service_name) if status == STOPPED: pass elif status == RUNNING: print "service %s already started" % service_name return status try: print "starting %s" % service_name win32serviceutil.StartService(service_name) except Exception as e: if e.message: raise RuntimeError(e.message) elif e.args: # print e.args args = list() for arg in e.args: if is_iterable(arg): args.append(unicode(eval(repr(arg)), 'gbk')) else: args.append(arg) print "Error:", args[-1], tuple(args) raise RuntimeError else: raise RuntimeError("Uncaught exception, maybe it is a 'Access Denied'") # will not reach here return status_service(service_name) def stop_service(service_name): status = status_service(service_name) if status == STOPPED: print "service %s already stopped" % service_name return status elif status == RUNNING: pass else: return status try: print "stopping %s" % service_name win32serviceutil.StopService(service_name) except Exception as e: if e.message: print e.message elif e.args: # print e.args args = list() for arg in e.args: if is_iterable(arg): args.append(unicode(eval(repr(arg)), 'gbk')) else: args.append(arg) print "Error:", args[-1], tuple(args) raise RuntimeError else: raise RuntimeError("Uncaught exception, maybe it is a 'Access Denied'") # will not reach here return status_service(service_name) def restart_service(service_name): status = status_service(service_name) if status == START_PENDING or status == RUNNING: if status == START_PENDING: time.sleep(2) stop_service(service_name) status = status_service(service_name) if status == STOPPED or status == STOP_PENDING: if status == STOP_PENDING: time.sleep(2) return start_service(service_name) elif status == STOPPED or status == STOP_PENDING: print "service %s not running." % service_name return start_service(service_name) else: return status_service(service_name) def do_service(service_name, service_action): # https://docs.python.org/2/faq/design.html#why-isn-t-there-a-switch-or-case-statement-in-python # http://python.jobbole.com/82008/ valid_action = ["start", "stop", "restart", "status"] maps = { "start": "start_service(service_name)", "stop": "stop_service(service_name)", "restart": "restart_service(service_name)", "status": "status_service(service_name)", } if service_name == "" or service_action == "": raise RuntimeError("service_name and service_action cannot be empty.") if service_action in valid_action: return eval(maps[service_action]) else: raise RuntimeError("bad service_action '%s', valid action is %s" % (service_action, valid_action)) def list_service(): service_dict = OrderedDict() for service in psutil.win_service_iter(): service_dict[service.name()] = service.display_name() return service_dict def is_valid_service_name(service_name): if service_name.lower() in [name.lower() for name, display_name in list_service().items()]: return True else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': SERVICE_ACTION = ["start", "stop", "restart", "status"] arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='1.0.0rc2') if arguments['SERVICE_NAME'] != "" and arguments['SERVICE_ACTION'] != "": if arguments['SERVICE_ACTION'] in SERVICE_ACTION: pass elif arguments['SERVICE_NAME'] in SERVICE_ACTION: tmp = arguments['SERVICE_ACTION'] arguments['SERVICE_ACTION'] = arguments['SERVICE_NAME'] arguments['SERVICE_NAME'] = tmp else: print __doc__ sys.exit(1) if is_valid_service_name(arguments['SERVICE_NAME']): pass else: raise RuntimeError("server '%s' not exist" % arguments['SERVICE_NAME']) return_code = do_service(arguments['SERVICE_NAME'], arguments['SERVICE_ACTION']) try: print status_code[return_code] except KeyError: print "return_code is %s." % return_code else: print __doc__ sys.exit(1) # TODO(Guodong Ding) run a command as administrator with administrative privilege, use 'runas' command"C:\WINDOWS\System32\sc.exe query MySQL56" start_command = "C:\WINDOWS\System32\sc.exe start MySQL56" stop_command = "C:\WINDOWS\System32\sc.exe stop MySQL56"
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。
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