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''' pg_draw_circle_save101.py draw a blue solid circle on a white background save the drawing to an image file for result see http://prntscr.com/156wxi tested with Python 2.7 and PyGame 1.9.2 by vegaseat 16may2013 ''' import pygame as pg # pygame uses (r, g, b) color tuples white = (255, 255, 255) blue = (0, 0, 255) width = 300 height = 300 # create the display window win = pg.display.set_mode((width, height)) # optional title bar caption pg.display.set_caption("Pygame draw circle and save") # default background is black, so make it white win.fill(white) # draw a blue circle # center coordinates (x, y) center = (width//2, height//2) radius = min(center) # width of 0 (default) fills the circle # otherwise it is thickness of outline width = 0 # draw.circle(Surface, color, pos, radius, width) pg.draw.circle(win, blue, center, radius, width) # now save the drawing # can save as .bmp .tga .png or .jpg fname = "circle_blue.png" pg.image.save(win, fname) print("file {} has been saved".format(fname)) # update the display window to show the drawing pg.display.flip() # event loop and exit conditions # (press escape key or click window title bar x to exit) while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: # most reliable exit on x click pg.quit() raise SystemExit elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: # optional exit with escape key if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE: pg.quit() raise SystemExit
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