服务器使用的是 Nginx,要在响应的头部添加 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 字段,添加方法是用 add_header 指令:
复制代码 代码如下:
location /assets/ {
gzip_static on;
expires max;
add_header Cache-Control public;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
Font Awesome (firefox无法显示 火狐无法显示)Cross domain (跨域问题)
The problem
It seems that, for security reasons, Firefox simply don't allow you to use by default a font that is not hosted on your domain, not even on your subdomain. The CDN based websites can be also affected in this case.
The solution
After some investigations, I found out the workaround: set a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the font.
复制代码 代码如下:
<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff)$">
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Also, if you are using nginx as your webserver you will need to include the code below in your virtual host file:
复制代码 代码如下:
location ~* \.(eot|otf|ttf|woff)$ {
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
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